Cast In Stone by Dorothy Davies

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Cast In Stone

(Dorothy Davies)

Cast In Stone



My Mayan guide calls himself Redwood as his original Mayan name is a closely guarded secret and the name he took when he became King is unpronounceable by most Western people. 'Redwood' is also a little joke: the Redwood tree is older by far than the Silver Birch and he says he is older than the great Spiritualist guide, Silver Birch! His psychic portraits are used throughout this book, each portray him at some stage of his life but nothing can truly capture the brilliance and the radiance that this beloved man brings to my life.

He is my main guide, the one who has been with me and walked with me throughout this incarnation. He and I have shared countless lifetimes, usually with Redwood on the other side of life, working with and through me on this side of life, as we are now. His level of learning is amazing and I know other guides are in awe of his knowledge. He is a gentle presence, never pressuring, always loving and always full of amazing wisdom and insight.

In his psychic portraits he reveals a little about himself, the different hairstyles he wore, the type of clothes he had and now, in this book, he reveals a Mayan secret: the casting of stones.




Many thousands of years ago, Mayan priests forecast or sought answers to questions by studying the fall and placement of different stones on a specially prepared piece of land.

They kept separate and apart a square of earth, smoothed out to be perfectly flat , edged with flat stones. Two lines were drawn across the square, creating three sections. These represented Past, Present and Future. Fifty stones were thrown into the square, each depicting some part of life and their placement and relationship to one another was carefully studied to provide what we would now call a 'reading.'

This method of divination has been channelled from the spirit side of life and is now presented for modern day people to find their own answers to questions. The preparation is not quick, the stones must be found and each must match - in the mind of those finding them - the concept they will represent in the divination process. But once found, the divination process can begin and, because the stones are from the very ground we walk on, the reading will be honest, basic and very down to earth.

Redwood gave me this 'new' way of divination after we had been together for some time.

It is Redwood's wish, as well as mine, that you will find a closeness to nature and our earth in working with this method of divination. Certainly I found the work revealing and fascinating as I slowly and carefully made my choice of stones, as I was given the categories and the descriptive pieces to go with each one. The 'meanings' of the stones came from Redwood and they, together with the items required and the method, are as faithful a recording of this ancient ritual as it is possible for a modern day person to transcribe and set before you.

I wish you much pleasure in finding and naming your stones and, when the collecting is done, in using them to 'read' your life and that of friends and others who may ask for your wisdom. It will soon be realised that this is a very different way of reading, one that is exceptionally subtle and yet revealing and you will find great comfort in working with something that comes directly from the very earth that supports each and every one of us in life and in 'death'.