American Manifesto  by Gary W. Babb

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American Manifesto

(Gary W. Babb)

American Manifesto

Chapter 1

(What the Hell?)


Former President Thompson came bursting into his War Room at his Florida resort and yelled, "What the hell is going on?"

The former president, normally intimidating anyway, but suddenly appearing in his lean, straight 6' 3" height, combined with his obviously stressed demeanor, radiated the impression he was not to be fucked with, and they should comply immediately. Those in the room jumped at his sudden outburst and silence floated over the already full room before Mr. Tom Canton, the presidents former National Security Advisor, said, "Well, Mr. President we are gathering lots of facts, but none of them are making any sense."

Since President Thompson had lost his reelection, which he strongly believed was stolen by a corrupt deep state, he had maintained a team of advisors, attorneys, and a large staff to reverse the election results. He was notified during the night that something horrific was taking place in the country. He immediately called in his staff to analyze the situation, and he was now ready for his first briefing.

President Thompson said, "Tell me what you know so far."

Tom Canton said, "Data is still sketchy and is still coming in, but we can provide the following: During the last 24 hours we have identified somewhere in the neighborhood of a half a million assassinations in the U.S. and almost one trillion dollars reported hacked from various wealthy individuals and organizations."

President Thompson bellowed, "No Shit! Assassinations? That many? How could that happen without us knowing anything about it? How did we not have warning of something in the wind? Hell, government can't keep secrets." After a moment of thought and suddenly wide eyed he said, "Was I hacked?"

President Thompson personally picked and appointed NSA Canton to his position as his National Security Advisor during his first term as president. Tom was not physically impressive in stature, being bald, short, and plump; but the president trusted him implicitly. If NSA Canton said something was so, then he believed him.

"No, Mr. President, you were not hacked. Ironically, only fifteen individuals that we can identify, readily identifiable as far left-wing or deep state funders, were hacked. Some of them have been totally destroyed ... some even assassinated. Additionally, the assassinations were all in that far radical left-wing of politics. It almost looks like a coup. Well, I guess it is a coup, but if it is, we don't know by whom. It does, however, seems to be a conservative movement and huge, apparently a coordinated effort to take back America from the Communist."

"Crap! You know who the media and politicians will blame. Me! And you are telling me we have no idea who and how this was done? That's really hard to believe."

Tom Canton said, "I kind of have a feeling the media will be too busy trying to save themselves. There were at least 82,000 media talking heads and reporters taken out and 22 corrupted, Communist Attorneys General and Secretaries of State. The list goes on with 57,000 lawyers, 162,000 bureaucrats in every agency, 62,000 state and federal politicians, 57,000 teachers and college professors, and many, many more. All areas of government were touched, including admirals, generals, colonels, judges, even two governors."

President Thompson sat quietly, thinking, then said, "Are you telling me all those ass holes in the media I had to deal with for four years are gone?"

Tom said, "Well, not all of them, that would take fat too many assassinations, but most of the worst ones are dead or missing. Mostly all those that remain alive you would probably consider friends, or at least fair."

President Thompson said, "Hell, I can think of some of them I've thought about killing personally. Gone, you say? So, those nasty talking-heads on TV aren't out there ripping me up?"

Tom continued, "The media is mostly quiet. They are in turmoil right now with their CEOs and department heads gone. It will take them some time to get reorganized."

"I'm not sure you all grasp the complexity and logistics required of an organization that can maintain total secrecy over a communication network large enough to coordinate an assassination coup of hundreds of thousands and implement it within a 24 hour window. It's massive and has never before been attempted, much less accomplished. The technical complexity is ... well, impossible. Think about the millions of people that would have to be security vetted, the communication required to inform and coordinate, background checks on the targets, choosing the targets, assigning the proper motivated assassin. The list is endless, but the coup was accomplished. It's unbelievable."

President Thompson looked hard at his former FBI Director Setliff then said, "Harry, are you telling me that with all your contacts and insider information networks you don't know what's going on and who is behind this?"

Former Director Setliff's actual name was Jack. Harry was a nickname Dir. Setliff's ex-wife gave him years ago; because, according to her, he looked like Clint Eastwood, tall and lean. She called him "Dirty Harry", and the name stuck among those who knew him well, which is one reason she became his Ex.

Jack shrugged and said, "I can assure you that my network was completely silent, and I have reached out to them again. They claim to know nothing. I also know this to be true, because many of them have contacted me to find out if we are responsible or if we know anything. It's really a strange situation."

President Thompson asked, "Well who in the world could have pulled this off so secretly? Are the Russians or Chinese capable of doing this?"

Tom Canton shook his head and said, "I seriously doubt the Russians or Chinese would have acted to cleanse our country of Communist, which is apparently what happened. And, this money hack is seriously highly technical. I don't think even our NSA could pull this off. What I'm hearing is that they can't even figure out how it was done. No. It's someone else."

President Thompson said, "Who the hell is in charge of the country right now? Is President Dufus still there?"

Tom said, "To the best of our knowledge the president and his administration are still in control. The Coup was careful to leave an operational government in place, and their reasoning is still unclear."

Jack Setliff, who had remained silent for a while, suddenly slammed his fist down on the table and bellowed, "Hell! I know who led this Coup." He sat in silence for a moment confirming his internal thoughts, then continued. "It's the Star Children. They saved us once already by utilizing high tech. I believe they are trying to save us again. Think about it. They are insanely brilliant and with their alien, Arcadian archive they have access to almost endless volumes of advanced technology. Working with them during the Alien Wars and afterwards I was privy to their technical abilities and potentials. They could easily pull this off if they desired. But what I'm having trouble accepting are the assassinations, the taking of human lives, certainly on this scale, seems utterly uncharacteristic for them. The Arcadians were and are, in their genetically modified Star Children form, a benevolent race. They would not normally want to harm humans."

Tom Canton was nodding as Jack spoke, and when he finished Tom said, "Yes, I agree. In fact they are probably the only group capable of doing this."

President Thompson said, "I think maybe you are right, but why would they keep it a secret from us?"

Dir. Setliff said, "They would specifically keep it a secret from us so we couldn't interfere or try to stop them. Let's not overlook the fact that total secrecy was their intended goal, and we would be consider an unnecessary risk. I'm also thinking that they would want us exactly where we are now ... wondering what the hell happened."

President Thompson said, "That makes sense, but we need to know now. You both have friends at their stronghold at the Sanctuary. I suggest you ask them for a ride and go in person to find out. It looks like you two are going to Antarctica. I'm not sure what we can do about it, but it's better to know for sure. One thing though, we can't pass this information out to anyone. Let's keep their secret."

President Thompson was interrupted by his executive assistant rushing in. She quickly handed him a document. He started to read it, but after seeing the first few sentences he started over and read it aloud to the group.

American Manifesto


We are true Americans, and we are immigrants coming for the America dream and to escape Communism. We love this country and our people. "We the people" (WE) are a snake without a head. WE are millions joining together to take our country back. You can't find us, because we are a movement of millions, and WE are among you. You can't hide from us. WE know who you are by your deeds and actions, or lack of action, You will conform to the original American values as founded and guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States, or you will be purged. WE are not Globalist, Communist, anarchist, criminals or any other group dedicated to destroying America, but WE believe many of you are. WE have witnessed corruption in our country like never before seen. Criminal and corrupt activities can be seen everywhere running ramped in politics and throughout our government. The legal system is now a complete joke. Communist lawyer and judges have turned the legal system into a weapon to propagate the destruction of America. The news media is no longer a "Free Press" and is full of Fake News. It can't be trusted to tell the truth. The news media has become nothing more than propaganda for the corrupt. WE are lied to by our elected officials, who are then supported by the biased media, while the judicial systems protects them. Our citizens have no voice, and when we speak out we are silenced and attacked by our own government and the media. Up until now we have felt some marginal security by knowing our voices can still be heard through honest elections. Unfortunately, that remaining security has vanished with the last rigged election. WE watched it happen. This was the last straw for most of us. Our government can no longer be trusted, and the American people have had enough. Your rape and plunder of our country and the intimidation of WE has come to an end.

Revolution is now our only course of action, but open war with our young men and women killing each other is not acceptable. WE have decided instead to act in unison to purge the evil and corrupt individuals and organizations responsible. Read the newspapers today. WE have purged from our ranks many of those corrupt politicians, lawyers, judges, news media instigators, anarchist, bureaucrats, military leaders, and taken many sources of funding you are using for your corrupt causes. As you will soon discover, those individuals purged number in the hundreds of thousands. This is a good start, but it's only the first wave. If there are to be a second and third or more waves is completely up to you. This is your opportunity to get your act together and begin cleaning up America for "We the People". America belongs to the people. Our government is responsible for managing it for us. Get back to doing just that, or you will also be purged.

You have controlled this country, its wealth, its power, and its people with impunity far too long. Your first thoughts might be to come after us, but that would be a mistake. WE are the vast majority, and WE will be watching you, and WE are everywhere. If you come after us you will also be purged. You will join with us to make America great again, or you will be eliminated. It's just that simple.

Now, what do WE want? Understand that WE are not taking control of the government. WE will continue to allow the people to choose their leaders by honest popular vote, but WE do make the following immediate demands: There will be a general amnesty for all involved and NO investigations of any deaths occurring over the last 24 hours during our purge. WE want fair and honest elections, eliminate voting machines and go back to paper ballots, investigate and prosecute voter fraud, mandatory Voter ID, ... you know the drill. Clean up our election laws to ensure and guarantee honest elections. Now, only a simpleton would believe the last election was honest. WE want the election immediately reversed and President Thompson reinstalled in office before any more damage can be done to America. If President Thompson doesn't step up to lead, WE want an immediate new election. WE want a "Free Press". WE want big tech controlled. WE want a cleansed judicial system that conforms to our Constitution. WE want our borders controlled. WE want America first.

This is your chance to get it right for America. This is your only chance. WE will be watching.