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Privileged White Women Extract


© DrkFetyshNyghts 2022


"If we click our fingers, will you come running?"

This was Tina and Tania's eyes opened wide, shocked at what she was hearing.

"Of course that's what I'm here for."

And as Cia spoke she placed her hand on Tina's shoulder and got down to her level to speak to her.

"Your own personal nigga for the day, right?"

And immediately she got up and smiled. Tania just smiled at her as though she didn't have a clue what had been said to her one and only offspring. And there was this awkward moment, like a silence. But Cia turned and left. Tina looked a bit shocked. It was fine for her to join in with her mother and be racist, but to be called out on it the way she had been, by this girl was like a shock to her system. It was like reality was hitting her in the face for the first time.

"What the fuck did she say Tina? I mean you look like you've seen a ghost or something."

Tania sipped champagne as she looked at Tina for some kind of response.

"Nothing. It's all good."

And it was clear that Tina didn't want to share what Cia had said to her with Tania. But in that there was this puzzlement. The racism between the two was hard edged and very unpleasant, and yet, the first time that Tina is called out on it, albeit in this discreet, quiet way, she didn't want to say what had been said. Maybe it had been the tone of voice that Cia had used. She'd got back up smiling, and very much in waitress mode. But those words 'your own personal nigga for the day' had been almost hissed between gritted teeth.

Maybe Tina had felt threatened or something, or intimidated in the moment that those words were sliding into her psyche. That would have been something that she'd never come across in her short life. Probably fair to say that Tania wouldn't have come across direct confrontation like this either, but whatever, Tina was keeping it to herself. Tania looked across to the station where Cia waited to be called. And for a few seconds she just looked. Cia looked and smiled because that was what she was there for. To look nice and to serve.